Physician Lim Chen Sing | 林晨欣Feb 5, 20233 min readTCM Health PreservationWhat is the importance of TCM health preservation? Nowadays, many young people in our society are experiencing a series of sub-health...
Yong Kang TCM Sep 12, 20222 min read针灸有科学依据吗针灸作为中国传统的中医治疗疾病的方式,其科学性早就已经得到了验证。这么多年以来,国内外多名针灸医师以及相关的科研人员做了大量的临床实验,反复的证明了针灸在止痛以及改善身体功能各方面所起到的疗效。 对于针灸这种传统的中医治疗方式很多人都是听说过的,针灸治疗不需要用药,只需要对...
Physician Lim Chen Sing | 林晨欣Sep 10, 20222 min readHow does TCM help in pain management?Pain is an unpleasant subjective sensory and emotional experience that can easily affect an individual's quality of life. Pain can be...
Physician Lim Chen Sing | 林晨欣Sep 7, 20223 min read中医如何治疗腰痛?(上)腰痛是指由外感、内伤、或外伤等致病因素,导致腰部经络气血运行不畅,或腰部失于精血濡养,致使腰部一侧或双侧出现疼痛为主症的病证。现代医学的骨质疏松症、类风湿性脊柱炎、脊髓压迫症、肾盂肾炎、前列腺炎、腰肌劳损等以腰痛为主要表现的疾病,可按本病辨证论治。 中医腰痛的分类...